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有比较才有鉴别!ATLAS.ti :你需要了解的24个事实

alian 发表于 2012-1-2 10:19:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 alian 于 2012-1-2 10:41 编辑


比较ATLAS.ti 和其他同类软件,做出自己的判断!

事实1:不仅仅是文本,ATLAS.ti 可以胜任你想处理任何数据:音频数据、视频数据及地学数据。实时处理。

事实2:真正的且全PDF支持。只有ATLAS.ti 让你以设计用意的方式使用这些PDF文档:文本、图形、布局等等。打开一个文件你就可以分析了!没有转换,没有暴露的".txt" 文件的剥离文档,没有手工提取的图像。

Fact #3: Google Earth geo-data done right--using the actual application. Code the world. Display your codes inside Google Earth itself. Hyperlink places with any data segment and vice versa.
Fact #4: No separate transcription software to buy. It's already on-board.
Fact #5: Accepts more file formats than any other QDA software for you to work with--including PDF natively.
Fact #6: Strong XML support. Non-proprietary formats keep your data usable for decades, make you independent from specific products, and allow for unparalleled integration with all sorts of applications.
Fact #7: One package. Small download. One-click installation. No need to have a computer degree just to get started. No complicated, resource-hungry database servers to mess with, no add-on modules.
Fact #8: No need to dismember your data. Use text, video and audio of unlimited length. As is. No need to edit, slice, and chop before you can get started with your real work.
Fact #9: Plain text, rich text, or PDF. With or without embedded objects. ATLAS.ti can handle it. Natively.
Fact #10: Hundreds of thousands of users in corporations and universities all over the world make ATLAS.ti the most popular profesional QDA tool anywhere. More professionals rely on ATLAS.ti than on any other similar product.
Fact #11: Preserve your freedom: Unlike other companies, we do not lock your projects exclusively to our software. Your data can be easily moved and reused anywhere, anytime. We fully support the open XML standard.
Fact #12: Concurrent user license models give you maximum freedom: Work in the office and on your laptop, with just one license. Multi-user licenses let you install our software in computer labs and at home, networked or standalone.
Fact #13: Full-featured student licenses. Students enjoy the full power of the regular ATLAS.ti product with no technical limitation and for a fraction of the price - for the entire duration of their studies.
Fact #14: Support and maintenance included. When you buy ATLAS.ti, there are no hidden and no extra charges. 24-hour online support, regular updates, and constant addition of newly developed features are included in the price.
Fact #15: Maximum data/project security: Strong authorship and data access model keeps confidential data away from team members with lower clearance. Copy Bundle creates full backups of entire projects with one click.
Fact #16: Maximum security: ATLAS.ti is secure from computer viruses. And it won't compromise your computer's security by relying on potentially vulnerable components.
Fact #17: Intuitive paper-and-pencil feel: Use the fully interactive margin as the central command post of your work.
Fact #18: Everything is an object. Unlike other software, ATLAS.ti treats each data segment as a completely independent object. This results in unparalleled flexibility, power, and even security.
Fact #19: German engineering at its best: ATLAS.ti embodies a combination of creativity and solid know-how that results in innovation and excellent craftsmanship second to none.
Fact #20: The most flexible functions for searching, retrieving, filtering, and grouping in the business. No one else gives you this much power over your data.
Fact #21: ATLAS.ti sets standards. Our features are the most imitated in the field. Where others copy, we lead with innovation, reliability, and openness. Get the real thing that started it all.
Fact #22: Our PDF engine delivers. Other manufacturers claim that their product supports PDF--until you actually try to use it with real-life material! ATLAS.ti's PDF engine is powerful, stable, and performs smoothly with documents of ANY size.
Fact #23: Survey import: Only ATLAS.ti lets you import entire surveys in full, pre-coded, and in lightning speed. Other programs that also claim to do that literally take hours--or crash.
Fact #24: Performance: It is easy for others to claim their software has similar features as ATLAS.ti--just don't ask about their actual performance rates, format support, astronomical load times, and frequent crashes. Test with real-life material, and you'll see the difference right away.
henryhl 发表于 2012-11-21 10:36:55 | 显示全部楼层

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